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Yellowstone river in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2020-12-03Updated:2020-12-03
Similar words: yellowstoneyellowstone national parkyellow streakyellow riveryellowsyellow seayellow spotyellow perilMeaning: n. a tributary of the Missouri River that flows through the Yellowstone National Park. 
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1, Traveling south along the Yellowstone River, you will pass blue heron, ducks, geese and trumpeter swans.
2, He pointed south across the Yellowstone River valley to a tiny dot of willow and aspen that seemed to explode in brilliant yellows against the backdrop of prairie tans and grays.
3, The Yellowstone River at Billings had dropped nearly 2 feet by Monday from its peak Saturday morning, according to the National Weather Service.
4, The Yellowstone River is critical for irrigation for example. And so it serves the needs of a lot of farmers and communities along its path.
5, The valley of the Yellowstone River has beautifully coloured rocks and three large waterfalls.
6, At the bottom you'll see Yellowstone River winding through the colorful canyon.
7, At the bottom you'll see Yellowstone River winding through the colorful canyon. We'll stop on both the south and north sides for different views.
8, The Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River drop a stunning 308 feet (94 meters) to the canyon floor below—twice as far as Niagara Falls.
9, SUSAN CASEY-LEFKOWITZ: "Ironically it would actually cross the Yellowstone River where the spill just happened."
10, The park is located at the headwaters of the Yellowstone River, from which it takes its historical name.
11, The Associated Press reports the Environmental Protection Agency will collect air samples from the insides of households located downstream from where the spill occurred on the Yellowstone River.
12, A trumpeter swan glides across the surface of the Yellowstone River. Trumpeter swans once faced extinction; today their numbers are rebounding.
13, Distinctive rings around trees left by an oil spill are seen along the Yellowstone river, seven miles downstream from the site of a ruptured pipeline in Yellowstone County.
14, Environmentalists are pushing for tighter regulations after the rupture of an Exxon Mobil oil pipeline which runs beneath the Yellowstone River in Montana.
15, There's plenty of bull in the fish story, as an angler and bison share a stretch of Wyoming's Yellowstone River.
16, A trumpeter swan glides across the surface of the Yellowstone River.
17, An Exxon Mobil pipeline burst in Montana this summer sent 42,[ river.html]000 gallons of crude into the Yellowstone River.
18, The creek, a long green finger flowing south to the Yellowstone River, is surrounded by sagebrush and wind - lots of wind, which, as Jarrett would explain later, is a good thing.
19, Last Friday night, an oil pipeline broke under the Yellowstone River in the western state of Montana.
20, Lava strata are most easily seen at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, where the Yellowstone River continues to carve into the ancient lava flows.
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